会场 / 展区

TGS2024 will be held at Makuhari Messe, utilizing all of Halls 1-11, the International Conference Hall, and the Event Hall. The real venue will provide a framework for a wide range of visitors, from business people to families, while the online venue will offer a variety of information and experiences that transcend regional and time constraints, with official programming, TGS Digital World, and Steam venue.


Here is a summary of information about the real exhibition.
The real venue is Makuhari Messe's Halls 1-11, International Conference Hall, and Event Hall, all of which contain 12 exhibition areas and stages. In addition, in the "Exhibitor Showroom" , we have compiled information on all exhibitors, including online exhibitors.

  EVENT STAGE will feature

Event Stage​在新窗口中打开

EVENT STAGE will feature "Exhibitor's Stage" and other organizer contents such as "Keynote Speeches" and "Japan Game Awards".

*The timetable will be updated as soon as it is determined.


At the TGS Online venue, we will deliver contents such as "Official Programs", "TOKYO GAME SHOW Digital World" and "Steam Special Venue". The "Official Program" will be simulcast on YouTube, X, Nico Nico and other distribution platforms. Please check the program list for program information. The "TOKYO GAME SHOW Digital World" will be a special venue set up in a virtual space where visitors can view a special booth created in 3DCG.In the "Steam Special Site," game titles from TGS2024 exhibitors will be introduced, and visitors will be able to enjoy sales and free trial versions on Steam.


各参展商将在 TGS 官方节目中提供相关信息。请查看节目表并收听。

TGS Digital World

Steam特殊场所  (September 20) 在新窗口中打开

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