Selected Indie 80 [Race]

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Cyber Parkour

Exhibitors Name : 
FANIMAX  (Taiwan)
Platform : 
iOS , Android

《電馭跑酷》是一款多人對戰的跑酷競速手機遊戲,強調輕鬆上手、快節奏。 玩家將控制各具特色的「電馭跑者」,在橫向捲軸的賽道上競跑、閃躲障礙物,累積能量發動電馭技能一發逆轉勝負! 在比賽外,也有許多特色的跑者造型、配件、表情符號等待玩家去收集。 為了爭取「電馭巡迴賽」的冠軍,一起穿梭在高聳的霓虹大樓間,來場刺激的「電馭跑酷」吧!

Judges' Comments

Interesting that it's a Metroidvania type, but it's a side-scrolling Mario Kart, a "multiplayer racing game".

《電馭跑酷》是FANIMAX推出的首款以運動為主軸的多人即時對戰遊戲! 遊戲中每位電馭跑者及他們經歷的每一處,都是我們團隊精心設計、傾注心血的結晶。 歡迎大家隨時隨地來一場潮酷的《電馭跑酷》比賽吧!

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Dashy Crashy 100

Exhibitors Name : 
Dumpling  (China)
Platform : 
Steam , Nintendo Switch , iOS

Start your engines and outrun 99 racers in a thrilling knockout race. 100 start. Only 1 survives. Lightning-fast reaction-racing with a 100-racer twist. Party up with friends, master simple tap controls and test your reflexes on choas-filled highways as you try to boost and bash your way to 1st place. Let's DASHY CRASHY!

Judges' Comments

A car racing game in which a great number of racers compete against each other. Good old Choro-Q-like design.

DUMPLING is an indepenednt game studio led by veteran game designer Travis Ryan, making popular and pinoeering games since 2012 - our DNA in arcade and innovation makes fun-first games for everyone.

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