Matching System for press and influencers​

About the Press / Influencer Matching System

TOKYO GAME SHOW 2024 will offer a "Press / Influencer Matching System" (hereinafter referred to as the "Matching System") that will directly connect press and influencers with exhibitors.

Press and influencers who have been approved to register and visit the show through the "TOKYO GAME SHOW 2024 Press Registration" or "TOKYO GAME SHOW 2024 Influencer Registration" will receive an invitation e-mail from Matching System at a later date.

Once you have completed the registration, you will be able to communicate with exhibitors (some exhibitors may not support this service).

Matching System introduces each exhibitor, describes whether or not priority is given to press and influencers at the exhibitor's booth, whether or not advance reservations are required, and allows you to contact the exhibitor's PR representative (Some exhibitors may not support this service).

Matching System is also compatible with mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, allowing for real-time appointments and updates. We hope you will take advantage of this system to efficiently visit our exhibitor booths.

For registered press and influencers

For registered press and influencers, click here to a new window

*Press and influencers who have been approved to register and visit the show through the "Press Registration" or "Influencer Registration" will receive an invitation e-mail from Matching System at a later date.

For those who have not yet registered as a press or influencer


Press are welcome to cover the exhibition from 10:00 on September 26 (Thursday), the first day of the exhibition (coverage is possible on any of the four days of the exhibition).
Press wishing to cover the show will be notified of the URL of the pre-registration site, so please contact TOKYO GAME SHOW Press Room ( with a request to cover TGS2024.

For more information, please visit the " Press Registration / Download Center " page.


There are two categories of influencers: "Invited Influencers" and "General Influencers".
Please check the "Influencer and Creator" page on the official website and submit your visitor entry through the dedicated form (August 2 - September 24). After screening by the secretariat, you will be approved to visit the exhibition.


*Mutual agreement is required for appointments to be made. Some exhibitors may not have special arrangements for press and influencers, or appointments may not be made. Please understand this in advance.

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